PENANJONG GARRISON, Tuesday, 17 December 2024 – The Recruit Company of the Training Institute Royal Brunei Armed Forces (TI RBAF) held a Khatam Al-Qur'an Ceremony in conjunction with the Passing Out Parade for Male Recruit of the 175th Intake and Female Recruits of the 59th Intake at Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garrison.
Present as the Guest of Honour at the ceremony was Yang Mulia Colonel Pengiran Noor Rumaizi bin Pengiran Othman, Commandant of TI RBAF. Also present were the Acting Deputy Commandant of TI RBAF, Officers, Regiment Sargent Major, and personnel of the Recruit Company, TI RBAF.
This reading of the Holy Qur'an has been made from the beginning of their basic training. This religious event commenced with mass Maghrib Prayer, recitation of Sayyidul Istighfar altogether and the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the Imam Afiq Abdul Halim bin Haji Daniel, Imam of Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garrison before continuing with the recitation of the Surah-Surah Khatam Al-Qur'an, Takhtim and Tahlil, Dikir Marhaban, Doa Peliharakan Sultan and Negara Brunei Darussalam. The ceremony was continued with mass Asar' Prayer before ended with the recitation of Selawat Badariyyah and Doa Kesyukuran, which then concluded with a photo session.
PENANJONG GARISON, Selasa, 17 Disember 2024 - Kompeni Rekrut, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (IL ABDB) telah mengadakan Majlis Khatam Al-Quran sempena Tamat Latihan Rekrut Lelaki Pengambilan Ke-175 dan Rekrut Wanita Pengambilan Ke-59 bertempat di Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garison.
Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat majlis ialah Yang Mulia Kolonel Pengiran Noor Rumaizi bin Pengiran Othman, Komandan IL ABDB. Turut hadir bagi memeriahkan majlis tersebut ialah Pemangku Timbalan Komandan IL ABDB, Pegawai-pegawai, Sarjan Mejar Rejimen dan Ahli Tetap Kompeni Rekrut.
Tadarus al-Quran ini bermula pada awal bulan latihan Rekrut Lelaki Pengambilan ke-175 dan Rekrut Wanita Pengambilan Ke-59. Majlis yang mulia ini dimulakan dengan bacaan Sayyidul Istighfar beramai-ramai dan bacaan surah al-Fatihah yang dikepalai oleh Imam Afiq Abdul Halim bin Haji Daniel, Imam Surau Al-Hikmah, Penanjong Garison. Majlis diteruskan dengan bacaan surah-surah khatam al-Quran, bacaan takhtim dan tahlil, laungan zikir Marhaban secara beramai-ramai, Doa Kesyukuran, Doa Peliharakan Sultan dan Negara Brunei Darussalam. Majlis diteruskan lagi dengan Solat Fardu Asar berjemaah, bacaan Selawat Badriyyah beramai-ramai, bacaan doa selepas sembahyang dan disudahi dengan bergambar ramai.