PENANJONG GARRISON, Friday, 14 March 2025 – The Certificate Presentation and Closing Ceremony for the Basic Logistics Course Series 4/2024 was conducted by the Logistics Training Wing, School of Military Trade, Training Institute, Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF). The Guest of Honour for the event was Captain Rafidah binti Metussin, Staff Officer (SO3) Logistics, Defence Academy Headquarters. Also in attendance were the Head of the Logistics Training Wing, officers, invited guests, and instructors from the Logistics Training Wing.
This course is a career development programme designed for members of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces serving as storemen and logistics accountants. Its objective is to produce knowledgeable store supervisors and logistics accountants. Participants were introduced to the fundamentals of store and warehouse management, as well as the skills required to handle accounting tasks within their respective unit stores and warehouses.
Throughout the course, participants engaged in the "Wira Asas 4" training, designed to develop their skills through instructor-led scenarios. They also completed individual and group exercises covering both logistics accounting and quartermaster processes.
The course was conducted over five (5) weeks, from 7 February 2025 to 14 March 2025, and was attended by 39 members of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, comprising:
17 personnel from the Royal Brunei Land Forces,
2 personnel from the Royal Brunei Navy,
5 personnel from the Royal Brunei Air Force,
2 personnel from the Defence Academy,
6 personnel from the Ministry of Defence,
3 personnel from the Training Institute, and
4 personnel from the Special Forces Regiment.
In her speech, the Guest of Honour congratulated all course participants and emphasised the importance of applying their newly acquired knowledge with professionalism and dedication, complemented by continuous self-improvement. She concluded her speech by officially closing the Basic Logistics Course Series 4/2024.
PENANJONG GARISON, Jumaat 14 Mac 2025 – Majlis Penyampaian Sijil dan Penutupan Kursus Logistik Asas Siri 3/2024 yang dikendalikan oleh Cawangan Latihan Logistik, Sekolah Pertukangan Tentera, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei telah sempurna dilaksanakan. Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat bagi majlis ini ialah Kapten Rafidah binti Metussin Penolong Pegawai Turus Logistik, Markas Akademi Pertahanan. Turut hadir ialah Ketua Cawangan Latihan Logistik, Pegawai dan jemputan khas serta Jurulatih-jurulatih Cawangan Latihan Logistik.
Kursus ini merupakan kursus kerjaya yang perlu dihadiri oleh anggota-anggota Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei yang memegang jawatan sebagai pengawas stor dan akauntan logistik. Objektif kursus ini adalah untuk melahirkan pengawas stor dan akauntan logistik yang berpengetahuan. Peserta kursus didedahkan dengan pengenalan awal mengenai stor dan gudang serta kemahiran mengurus perakaunan di stor dan gudang unit masing-masing. Sepanjang kursus dijalankan, para peserta terlibat dalam Latihan “Wira Asas 4" yang bertujuan mengembangkan kemahiran melalui senario-senario yang diberikan oleh jurulatih. Peserta kursus juga melakukan pengisian borang secara perseorangan dan berkumpulan, yang meliputi kedua-dua proses perakaunan logistik dan kuartermaster.
Kursus ini telah dijalankan selama lima (5) minggu bermula 7 Februari 2025 hingga 14 Mac 2025 dan dihadiri oleh 39 anggota Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei yang terdiri daripada 17 anggota Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei, 2 anggota Tentera Laut Diraja Brunei, 5 anggota Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei, 2 anggota Akademi Pertahanan, 6 anggota Kementerian Pertahanan, 3 anggota dari Institut Latihan dan 4 anggota Rejimen Pasukan Khas.
Dalam ucapannya, Yang Mulia Tetamu Kehormat merakamkan ucapan tahniah kepada semua peserta kursus dan menekankan agar dapat mempraktikkan ilmu yang telah diajarkan dan berkebolehan melaksanakan tugas dengan profesional dan penuh dedikasi. Tetamu Kehormat mengakhiri ucapan beliau dengan Penutupan Rasmi Kursus Logistik Asas Siri 4/2024.