PENANJONG GARRISON, Tuesday, 14 January 2025 – The Opening Ceremony of the Company Quartermaster Sergeant (CQMS) Course Series 2/2024 was held at the Logistics Training Wing, School of Military Trade, Training Institute Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
Present to officiate the opening ceremony of the Course were the Head of the Logistics Training wing, Training Warrant Officer, Senior Instructor and Instructors of Logistics Training Wing. The objective of this course is to qualify course participants to hold the position of CQMS in their respective units.
This Quartermaster Sergeant Course is attended by CQMS personnel serving in Royal Brunei Armed Forces units. Through this course, course participants are given deeper knowledge about accounting management in small units and making requests to the Quartermaster. In addition, to strengthen more effective and productive management.
PENANJONG GARISON, Selasa, 14 Januari 2025 – Majlis Pembukaan Kursus Kompeni Kuartermaster Sarjan (KKMS) Siri 2/2024 telah berlangsung di Cawangan Latihan Logistik, Sekolah Pertukangan Tentera, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei.
Hadir bagi merasmikan pembukaan Kursus tersebut ialah Ketua Cawangan Latihan Logistik, Sekolah Pertukangan Tentera, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei. Turut hadir ialah Pegawai Waran Latihan, Jurulatih Kanan dan Jurulatih-jurulatih. Objektif kursus ini adalah untuk melayakkan para peserta kursus untuk menjawat jawatan KKMS di unit masing–masing.
Kursus Kuartermaster Sarjan ini dihadiri oleh anggota-anggota berjawatan KKMS yang bertugas di dalam unit-unit Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei. Melalui kursus ini, peserta kursus diberikan pengetahuan yang lebih mendalam mengenai pengurusan perakaunan di dalam unit kecil dan membuat permintaan ke Kuartermaster serta meningkatkan kemahiran pengurusan yang lebih efektif dan produktif.