PENANJONG GARRISON, Monday, 18 November 2024 – The Opening Ceremony for the Intermediate Clerk Course Series 2/2024 took place at the Lecture Theatre, School of Military Trade, Training Institute of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
The ceremony was officiated by the Head of the Clerk Training Wing from the School of Military Trade, Training Institute of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces. In addition, instructors and assistant instructors from the Royal Brunei Land Force were also in attendance.
The objective of this course is to prepare participants for the role of Assistant Chief Clerk within their respective units.
Attendees of this course are personnel currently serving as clerks in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces. Throughout the course, participants will gain further insight into clerical studies and office administration in accordance with military procedures. Additionally, the course aims to develop and enhance the leadership skills of the participants, equipping them for the position of Assistant Chief Clerk.
PENANJONG GARISON, Isnin 18 November 2024 – Majlis Pembukaan Kursus Kerani Pertengahan Siri 2/2024 telah berlangsung di Bilik Kuliah, Sekolah Pertukangan Tentera, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei.
Hadir bagi merasmikan pembukaan Kursus tersebut ialah Pemangku Ketua Cawangan, Cawangan Latihan Kerani, Sekolah Pertukangan Tentera, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei. Turut hadir ialah Jurulatih Cawangan dan Jurulatih-jurulatih bantuan dari Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei.
Objektif kursus ini adalah untuk mempersiapkan peserta-peserta kursus untuk menjawat jawatan Penolong Ketua Kerani di unit masing-masing.
Kursus Kerani Pertengahan ini dihadiri oleh anggota-anggota berjawatan kerani yang bertugas di dalam unit-unit Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei. Melalui kursus ini, peserta kursus diberikan pendedahan secara lebih lanjut mengenai pelajaran perkeranian dan urus tadbir pejabat mengikut tatacara yang ditetapkan. Di samping itu, kursus ini bertujuan membina dan membimbing kepimpinan peserta kursus untuk mempersiapkan diri menjawat jawatan Penolong Ketua Kerani.