PENANJONG GARRISON, Friday, 25 October 2024. The Certificate Presentation Ceremony & Closing of the Basic Malay Language Course Series 3/2024 was held at the Evolution Centre, Training Institute Royal Brunei Armed Forces. Present as the Guest of Honor at the event was head of Information Technology Wing. A total of five members from the British Forces Brunei (BFB), Seria Garrison attended this three-week course, which started on October 7, 2024, and ended on October 25, 2024.
In the closing speech of the course, the Guest of Honor conveyed her congratulations and appreciation to the course participants for their commitment and dedication to learning the Malay language and Bruneian culture. She also emphasized the importance of always practicing the Malay language when communicating with the local community, especially when shopping at markets, stores, or ordering food at restaurants. She advised course participants to explore the nature and treasures found in this country.
This course has successfully achieved its main objective of providing the necessary knowledge and skills to the course participants. Throughout this course, the participants have been exposed to language skills that encompass speaking, listening, and writing. Course participants also engaged in practical and hands-on training sessions that provided them with the opportunity to apply the theories learned in real-life situations.
The overall best student for this course was awarded to LKpl Rijesh Rai. The event concluded with a group photo.
PENANJONG GARISON, Jumaat, 25 Oktober 2024. Majlis Penyampaian Sijil & Penutupan Kursus Bahasa Melayu Asas Siri 3/2024 telah diadakan di Pusat Evolusi, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei.
Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat majlis ialah Ketua Cawangan Teknologi Maklumat. Seramai 05 anggota dari British Forces Brunei (BFB), Seria Garison telah menghadiri kursus selama 03 minggu ini yang bermula pada 07 Oktober 2024 hingga 25 Oktober 2024.
Dalam ucapan penutupan kursus, Tetamu Kehormat telah menyampaikan ucapan tahniah dan penghargaan kepada peserta kursus atas komitmen dan dedikasi untuk mempelajari bahasa Melayu dan kebudayaan Brunei. Beliau juga menekankan untuk sentiasa mempraktikkan bahasa Melayu apabila berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat tempatan lebih-lebih lagi semasa membeli-belah di pasar, kedai mahupun ketika memesan makanan di restoran. Beliau juga menyarankan peserta kursus untuk menerokai alam dan khazanah yang terdapat di negara ini.
Kursus ini telah berjaya mencapai objektif utama dalam memberikan ilmu dan kemahiran yang diperlukan kepada peserta kursus. Sepanjang kursus ini, peserta kursus telah didedahkan dengan kemahiran bahasa yang merangkumi pertuturan, mendengar dan menulis. Peserta kursus juga melibatkan diri dalam sesi latihan amali dan praktikal yang memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk mempraktikkan teori yang dipelajari dalam situasi sebenar.
Pelajar terbaik keseluruhan bagi kursus ini telah disandang oleh LKpl Rijesh Rai. Majlis disudahi dengan bergambar ramai.