PENANJONG GARRISON, Friday, 30 Ogos 2024 – An admission brief was delivered to the parents and guardians of the potential Recruits of the 175th Intake of Male Recruits and the 59th Intake of the potential Female Recruits. This Brief was held at the Training Institute Royal Brunei Armed Forces (TI RBAF) Cook House in Penanjong Garrison.
The brief was delivered by Major Mohammad Azmi bin Abd Latif the Acting Officer in Command of Recruit Company TI RBAF and Captain Ak Muhammad Naufal bin PG Hj Alihashim, the Intake Commander of Recruit Company TI RBAF.
The aim of the brief was to provide information regarding the training of the potential recruits as well as the training guidelines in which the potential recruits will have to adhere to. The brief also further explained the preparations in which the potential recruits are to make before starting the training. The Acting Officer in Command of Recruit Company TI RBAF also took some time to congratulate the parents and guardians of the potential Male Recruits of the 175th Intake and the potential Female Recruits of the 59th Intake upon being selected to pursue the training.
PENANJONG GARISON, Jumaat, 2 September 2024 – Sesi taklimat kepada ibu-bapa dan penjaga bakal Rekrut Lelaki Pengambilan Ke-175 & bakal Rekrut Wanita Pengambilan Ke-59 telah diadakan di Dewan Nikmat, Institut Latihan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (IL ABDB), Penanjong Garison.
Taklimat telah disampaikan kepada para ibu-bapa dan penjaga Bakal Rekrut oleh Mej Mohammad Azmi bin Abd Latif Pemangku Pegawai Memerintah Kompeni Rekrut IL ABDB dan Kapt Ak Muhammad Naufal bin Pg Hj Alihashim, Ketua Pengambilan Ganjil.
Matlamat sesi taklimat tersebut diadakan adalah untuk memberi penerangan tentang latihan-latihan intensif yang akan dijalani oleh bakal-bakal rekrut serta semua larangan atau tegahan semasa latihan berjalan. Disamping itu, sesi berkenaan juga bertujuan bagi memberikan garis panduan bagi persiapan yang perlu disediakan oleh bakal-bakal rekrut lelaki & wanita. Pemangku Pegawai Memerintah, Kompeni Rekrut IL ABDB juga telah berkesempatan memberikan ucapan syabas dan tahniah kepada para ibu-bapa dan penjaga bakal Rekrut Lelaki Pengambilan ke-174 & bakal Rekrut Wanita Pengambilan Ke-59 yang terpilih menjalani latihan rekrut.